dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008


Exploring mars i going to be very exiting, but for now it's easier to explorer to our own planet!
Trains travel into London from all over the country.
They are very important for people who lives in the suburbs or outside London and travel into London for work. 1,8 million people travel into the center of London by train every day. For many people, the journey by train takes to a convenient Underground station.
To sum up the transports are very important for London.

Shipping in Britain

Ships and sea are very importan in Britain. Britain once had the biggest navy in world. Even today, many ships are used for exporting and importing goods in containers. Some people also travel by ship to go on holiday or for business. The Queen Mary 2 is a very big New York ship. It sails from Southampton to Australia. You can visit a museum of maritim history in Liverpool. Ouside the museum, there are ships in the docks. Inside you can find out about live on sailingships. Young men had to climb the ringgings to put up the sails. This was a dangerous job.

Horror Stories

Horror stories are very popular in Britain. Two famous horror characters: Frankenstein's monster and Dracula were created by British writers. Bram Stoker thought of the story of Dracula when he was sitting in a cementery. He saw some sunlight fall on a crack in the lid of a tomb and he dad body inside. Some fans of horror stories enjoy taking a guidedtour around London.


Scotland is one of the fourmain regions of Britain. It occupies about one third of the total land area in Britain. Most people live in the countryside. Edingburg and Glasgow cities has got some unusual traditions. Scottish men sometimes wear a kilf rather than trousers. There is a traditional Scottish instruments called the bagpipes. Scotland is famous for its whisky. Whisky is a strong spirit made from barley, yeast and water.

dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008

The law


The most famous police station in Britain is New Scotland Yard.It is in London and there police stations all over the country. They've all got a blue light outside to show they are police station. For most people the police are the face of the law.
They can arrest people in the street but they also give information.

Forensic scientists work in a laboratories.
They analyse material from a crime scene.
DNA is more reliable than finger prints.
You can find a person's identity from a single hair.
The courts have to decide if a suspect is guilty.



Tesco is the biggest supermarket in Britain.
The biggest supermarkets are usually on the edge of towns.
Online shopping is cheap and quick.
In large supermarkets you can buy food, drink, toys, CDs, DVDs and games.

80% of all food and drink comes from the five biggest supermarkets. Tesco has got nearly two thousandshops in Britain. It is the third biggest supermarket in the world. Most people in Britain buy their clothes from two of the big supermarkets.

Soap Operas

Soap Operas

Eastanders, Coronation Street and Emmerdale are all very popular soap operas on British TV. They appear several times a week and millions of people watch them. The fans of the shows can also buy special soap opera magasines every week. In the magazines, they can read previows of next week's shows. In this scene from Emmerdale, the villagers are celebrating a birthay, when there is a terrible strom.